Within its developmental perspective, the organization is committed to the following objectives:
- Facilitate the social and economic development of the deprived sections in rural areas with special emphasis on the dalits, the scheduled tribes, women, minorities and the depressed backward classes;
- Create amidst them an awareness of their physical, social, economic, legal and political environment to induce an attitude of meaningful and constructive action on their part;
- Enable the empowerment of its target population through organizing them as self-defining groups with a strong sense of self-identity and with capacities to act as a pressure group;
- Promote gender equity;
- Fostering conditions for enhanced access of target group to services and entitlements from the governments;
- Utilize all the project based interventions as an opportunity for affecting policy level choices at the government level;
- Network with all like minded groups committed to the cause of empowerment of the poor through people’s action;
- Disaster management and relief services.
- To ensure human rights of its target group;
- To promote pro-poor governance;
- To strengthen the disaster coping mechanisms of the targeted communities;
- Promotion and Intervention of new technologies for rural development.